Welcome to PerfectProfiler!

A person is never aware of his own behavior.

One cannot see his own house by looking out its front windows. One must get out of the house and look back. The view is often startling, and always revealing.

The Personal MatriX Profile (PXP) allows a person to “get out of his house,” and see the way his behaviour presents itself to the world. The view is revelatory as he can now see, with unvarnished reality, the problems he actually creates for himself with this behaviour. He also sees the points where he is doing well. This balanced perspective opens the door for him to self-awareness and personal enhancement.

The profile questions are easy to understand and take about half an hour to complete. The value of the evaluation is priceless as it leads to self-awareness and the road to greater capability and understanding.

The PXP is an accurate and non-biased means by which trainers, managers, consultants and personal coaches can see someone’s areas of Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. With the snapshot it provides, these professionals can design programs that precisely and effectively address the issues that align with their own areas of expertise.  Workshop leaders can design programs that are penetrating and well received.

This site was designed for people trained in the correct evaluation of the PXP, and is available only to members who have been thus trained, or are in the process of being trained.

If you are interested in seeing your own profile and getting an evaluation, write us in the “CONTACT” section and we will refer you to someone in your area who has this expertise.

If you have inquiries about becoming a trained evaluator in order to use the PXP for your own business, you may contact us in the “CONTACT” section for details of how this can be accomplished. If you are already familiar with evaluating these profiles, go to the registration tab on this site and sign up as a member.

The road ahead is more easily traveled if you have an accurate map.

Recent Pointers

What Makes the “H” Trait Special?

What Makes the "H" Trait Special? OK, let’s talk about the H trait.  Correct Estimation. Many years ago my mentor made an observation that I have observed for myself to be true, and which puts the importance of the H trait in a correct perspective:   The only mistake...

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What is a Compulsive Trait?

What is a Compulsive Trait? This is a trait that is above the person’s awareness level and which operates on “automatic.”  It is a “must be” or a “must do” or a “must have.” These traits are troubling because they turn ON and OFF like a faucet and always have behind...

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Unraveling the Human Mystery

Unraveling the Human Mystery These are ten reasons how this profile can help you unravel the mystery of human behavior: 1) The Certainty Trait ("D") shows us the reliability of the profile.   +32 and higher on this trait means the result is stable and not subject to...

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The Amazing “B” Trait

The Amazing "B" Trait The "B" Trait aligns with the emotional tone scale. The "B" is the HAPPINESS trait at the top, and UNHAPPY at the bottom.  For what it measures it could be called "Emotion" at the top and "MISemotion" at the bottom.  Did you know that when this...

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Seriousness A "serious" attitude in this definition means that the person is interested in things because of the penalty that will occur if he is not. He is trying to avoid penalty, rather than to pursue reward. For example, he goes to work because if he doesn't, he...

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Loyalty Loyalty is a key ingredient in human relationships, personal and professional. When the B & H are both around 0 or higher on the profile, the person will be very loyal to your operation.  When these go low, they tend to be loyal to their own agendas.  This...

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Does the profile show a valid picture of the person?

Does the profile show a valid picture of the person? The profile is a construct of the answers put forward by the person taking the profile.  As these answers are unique to this person, so too will be the profile. It's important to note that this profile is not the...

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“The Personal MatriX Profile™ is an excellent tool for recruiters, counselors, consultants, managers of every kind and for anyone who needs a better understanding of the people around him.” 

Vulindleyla, Master Evaluator

I’ve used this profile in my counseling business for 25 years and found it an invaluable tool for determining the course of actions available to me for a client.  I have never missed with a client because of the insights it has provided.


I used an earlier form of this test in my recruitment activities but find your version is easier to implement.  Also I really appreciate the assistance you give in helping me to understand the nuances of the profile. It’s very helpful.
